September 26, 2011

What is happening!

So many things have happened and my poor blog has taken a hit! Late in the year last school year we were told that we were not going to be able to use outside blogs and the school would be introducing something new, so don't go to lots of work on the new year - it's going to change! I was right in the middle of changing up my site with tabs when this news came out and I decided to figure out what was coming.
At the same time I had big problems with my google account. I had used my school email to set up my account and blog and now had a problem with 2 accounts? The tech coordinator was playing around with maybe doing a corporate account and anyone who had an account already would have problems with this. My problem was that the schools account blocked several programs to use, one of them being Blogger!
So.... long story short, this has been a task to save my blog before I had to delete one of the accounts with my school e-mail. It had to be the one that had my blog because the corporate account takes over! I really thought I saved it and life could go on so I could use this blog as more of a site where I keep my ideas of lesson plans and can follow the awesome blogs that I follow. What I found today is - all of my pictures are gone because of the closed account!!! My heart stopped for a second, but this has been such a pain with one thing after another, that it really doesn't surprise me. So, now I have to figure out what I'm going to do. I'm starting from square 1, but I do have the name, blogs I follow and outline of the blog. Hmmm, this could take awhile...

February 12, 2011

2nd Grade Paper Plate Weaving

2nd grade finished their paper plate weaving projects. I put them up in the hallway yesterday and really got to look at them. They turned out great, here's some examples:

February 11, 2011

4th Grade Collage

Here's a little Animoto video of the 4th grade project. These are a lot of fun! The students used construction paper to make a self-portrait, but they had to be reading their favorite book!

A few more examples: